Import / Export

With our Import / Export solution, you can easily import large amounts of data from different sources and formats, such as spreadsheets, CSV files or external databases.

The import/export application offers you a wide range of functionality to efficiently manage the flow of data within your organisation. With this flexible and customisable solution, you have full control over how data is imported and exported, allowing you to define formats, rules and integrations that reflect your specific needs.

Thanks to its highly configurable nature, you can create customised import and export formats, adapting them to the requirements of your systems and business partners. You will be able to define fields, delimiters, encodings and other options to ensure correct data transposition. In addition, you will be able to set validation rules to ensure that the imported data is consistent and conforms to your specifications.

The import/export application also offers you broad compatibility with other business systems. You can easily integrate it with your ERP system, CRM or any other platform you use, allowing for smooth synchronisation of data. In this way, you can maintain data consistency and integrity between systems and reduce the risk of errors or duplications.

In addition, the import/export application allows you to automate the data import and export process. You can schedule regular imports from external sources, such as suppliers or trading partners, and configure automatic export of data for later sharing or processing. This will save you valuable time and reduce manual errors associated with manual data management.

Data security is a top priority. The import/export application ensures the security of your sensitive data during the transfer process, using encryption protocols and access controls. In addition, you can define specific permissions and roles to ensure that only authorised persons can handle the import and export of data.

In conclusion, the import/export application is a powerful tool to efficiently manage the flow of data within your organisation. With its flexibility, customisation and advanced functionality, you can simplify and automate the import and export process, ensuring the consistency, integrity and security of your business data. Harness the full potential of your data with the import/export application and take your data management to the next level.

Import / Export

The main functions

  • Basic import/export structure: Provides a basic structure for defining import and export fields
  • Mandatory fields: Allows you to manage the mandatory and optional fields required in the import and export windows.
  • Dynamic and static fields: Allows dynamic fields with values extracted from other applications in the system or static fields with user-defined values.
  • REST API: Easily export data to third-party systems thanks to the integrated REST API.
  • Extension via plugins: All applications can be extended through the development of specific plugins to meet your business needs.

Import / Export

Optimised Data Flow with Import and Export

Simplify business data management with our powerful import/export application. Quickly upload data from external sources and export information for effective communication with business partners. With customisable configuration, you can define data formats and validation rules. Maintain information consistency and easily synchronise data between internal systems. With import/export, you optimise data flow, reduce errors and improve collaboration. Ensure an efficient workflow and a competitive advantage in the global market.

Importazione dati da file

Customised masks

Configure Your Custom Masks for Import and Export

With our import/export application, you have full control in the creation of customised data import and export masks. Define your own rules and format data according to the specific needs of your business. Easily load data from different sources, such as Excel sheets or external databases, and get export files in formats suited to your needs. With customised masks, you simplify the data management process, reduce time and resources used, and obtain accurate and consistent results. Give yourself the power to customise import/export according to your business needs.

Why Import / Export

  • Customisation: The import/export application offers a high degree of customisation, allowing you to define import and export formats tailored to your specific needs. You can adapt the application to your data validation rules and how you integrate with other business systems.
  • Automation: With built-in automation, the application simplifies the data import and export process, minimising manual errors and saving valuable time. You can configure import/export operations to be performed automatically, allowing you to focus on more valuable tasks.
  • Data consistency and integrity: The import/export application ensures data consistency and integrity during the import and export flow. You can define validation rules to ensure that the data is correct and conforms to your specifications, avoiding errors and discrepancies.
  • Integration with other systems: The application integrates seamlessly with other business systems, enabling efficient synchronisation and sharing of data. You can connect the import/export application to your CRM, ERP or management software, ensuring a consistent and real-time flow of data.
  • Data security: Your security is paramount. The import/export application offers advanced security measures to protect your sensitive data during the import and export process. You can control access, encrypt data and monitor activities to ensure maximum protection of your business assets.


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Molecola la soluzione per creare istruzioni in lingua

Per la creazione e la revisione della documentazione tecnica (guide rapide, manuali d’uso, manuali tecnici, istruzioni stile “IKEA”) utilizzo il software Molecola fornito da SAB-Tech. Questo software permette di creare la documentazione in modo rapido ed efficiente, grazie alla condivisione dei contenuti (immagini, testi, tabelle, paragrafi e capitoli), alla gestione delle traduzioni e all’impaginazione automatica del documento nelle varie lingue. In conclusione, Molecola è la soluzione per creare istruzioni in lingua in modo veloce ed efficace. Consiglio vivamente Molecola a chiunque abbia bisogno di un software affidabile per gestire la documentazione aziendale e migliorare la produttività.

Enea Lenzi

Technical Documentation Specialist, Evoca S.p.A.

Trovo di semplice compilazione la parte riguardate la compilazione testi e inserimento immagini, ottima gestione di impaginazione e altrettanta facile la gestione della traduzioni.

Eccellente l’assistenza da parte del “tecnico” di riferimento, sempre veloce e puntuale per risolvere qualsiasi dubbio ed eventuali problemi

Simone Tommasetti

Ufficio documentazione tecnica., Dieci S.r.l.

Molecola risulta essere un software molto dinamico, sviluppato a “pacchetti” che possono essere integrati a piacere. L’approccio per l’utente e la navigazione dei menù è semplice in quanto suddivisa per argomenti e in più personalizzabile. Le funzioni che abbiamo trovato più utili sono sicuramente la condivisione dei contenuti, sia grafici che testuali. Questo permette una migliore e più veloce manutenzione e revisione della documentazione aziendale, permettendo di dare un’immagine più coerente e corretta verso l’esterno.

Luca Esposito

Ufficio Documentazione, Dieci S.r.l.

La mia esperienza complessiva con Molecola posso definirla positiva. Ho avuto l’opportunità di iniziare ad usare questo Software in ambito lavorativo, cosa che mi ha permesso di constatare i diversi vantaggi che offre per la gestione dei prodotti e dei dati ad essi connessi. Si tratta di una piattaforma innovativa ed intuitiva lato utente, sfruttabile per diversi scopi e in grado di migliorare la gestione dei progetti aziendali.

Noemi Capitani

Marketing Dept., G.I. Industrial Holding S.p.A.

Con l’adozione di Autodoks siamo riusciti ad uniformare lo stile dei manuali tecnici dei nostri prodotti automatizzandone le revisioni grazie anche al plug-in per Inventor di cui il software dispone. La manualistica, che prima veniva redatta alla fine della progettazione, adesso procede di pari passo con essa permettendoci di avere un perfetto sincronismo tra la realizzazione dei nuovi prodotti e la pubblicazione della relativa documentazione tecnica.

Arturo Fellitto

Quality & Technical Dept. Manager, Worky

If you would like to learn more about how Molecola™ can improve your product data management and optimise your business operations, you have come to the right place. Our experienced team is ready to provide you with a personalised demonstration of the software, showing you all its powerful features and benefits.
Whether you need to centralise and organise product information, optimise workflows or enhance your data in innovative ways, we are here to help. Contact us today and discover how Molecola™ can take your business to a new level of efficiency and success. Our mission is to support you in growing and achieving your business goals.

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